Are you scared that your current way of studying relies too much on basic a b matching to the point that you doubt you can recognize c? Or too scared that your cramming too much info without testing your knowledge? Well, this is the place for you. 

With infiCards studying is no longer simple memorization of what an answer looks like on the test, and instead, with the help of the 4th dimension (definitely not just an extra deck or two), it is learning everything there is to know on a subject or else failing to beat your previous score.

Speaking of high scores and streaks to show your friends why you are the smartest, in infiCard you will combine cards with one of its many correlating facts to increase your streak. Try to see who can match the most correct cards in a row, and even who can match the most accurately in a matching match to the death, literally.

Additionally, you can select which specific categories you want to study in order to not waste your time learning about science when you could instead learn about a different science.

But, too few categories? That's your fault and my laziness, so add cards here to be added to a future release for your studying convenience.

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